Telling the EWI story afresh
January 10, 2023
If you’re reading this, you’ve already found your way to EWI’s brand-spanking new website. Thanks for stopping by. We’re delighted that you’re here.
Before we let you go to peruse what we’ve been up to lately, we thought we’d offer a bit of an explanation: Why a new website? And why now?
Here’s the backstory:
A few short years ago, the future of our company (and our entire industry) looked pretty grim. Due to COVID, experiential events, tradeshows and physical retail that was deemed “non-essential” came to an abrupt halt almost overnight. For the first time in our 40+ years as a business, things looked pretty dicey.
In the face of tremendous uncertainty, our team hunkered down. They weathered a long season with reduced wages and limited resources. We made a few tough decisions to reduce overhead and our footprint and we had to say a few even tough goodbyes to a few colleagues that lost their lives. It was exhausting and stretched the capacity of everyone.
But, like steel coming out of a refining furnace, we emerged from the pandemic stronger than ever. We’re doing incredible work with an awesome roster of clients. And our team is growing.
Our refreshed website is a testament to the amazing people that make up EWI. The new site articulates what sets us apart, describes how what we do creates value for our clients, and it showcase recent work using a compelling new visual case study format. We make experiences — and we want every experience we create to be top-notch.
So that’s the story behind the web redesign. New year, new people, new work — but always with an eye on what’s always set us apart. EWI has been bringing brands to life since 1979. And we don’t see any end in sight.